Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Playing my part

Living in the Sunshine Coast Biosphere is not just a choice, it’s a commitment to a sustainable, vibrant future. Join our biosphere community in celebrating, participating, innovating and belonging together.

Biosphere spotlight

Shining a spotlight on everyday people across our community working towards a sustainable future. This is what it means to live in our Sunshine Coast Biosphere.

Oz Harvest

Supporting people for a stronger biosphere community.

Waste free systems

Building responsible business practices in our biosphere.

Kids in Action (KIA)

Empowering our biosphere’s next generation.

Barung Landcare

Active conservation in our biosphere.

Our part to play

Here are some examples of how you can play a part.

Everyday actions matter

Small changes lead to big impacts. From reducing waste to using sustainable products, your everyday choices contribute to the environmental, social and economic health of the biosphere.

Community engagement

Attend local events, participate in community and conservation projects, and connect with others. The more involved you are, the stronger our community becomes.

Spread the word

Share the story of our biosphere. Let your friends, family, and community know about the inspiring sustainability journey we are on for the Sunshine Coast.

Join the conversation

Follow Sunshine Coast Biosphere on council’s social media, attend community meetings, and share your ideas. The biosphere is a collaborative effort, and your voice matters.

Visit learning centres

Explore educational hubs, where you can learn more about sustainable living, conservation efforts, sustainable business practices and how you can make a positive impact in our biosphere.