Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.


The Sunshine Coast Biosphere is part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves administered internationally through United Nations Man and the Biosphere programme, and in Australia through the Man and the Biosphere National Committee.

In our Sunshine Coast Biosphere, we have two governance bodies, that manage the implementation on behalf of the Sunshine Coast community.  Administrative support is provided by council.

  • Biosphere Co-ordinating Committee
  • Biosphere Community Advisory Group (CAG)

Biosphere Co-ordinating committee

Norman Bond

Kabi Kabi representative

Bill Hadrill

Group Executive

Mayor Mark Jamieson


Cr Terry Landsberg


Cr David Law


Greg Laverty

Group Executive

Colin Ross 

Jinibara representative

Will Shrapnel

Community Advisory Chair

Cr Maria Suarez


Emma Thomas



QLD Government representative

Community Advisory Group (CAG)

Andrew Fairbairn

Tourism representative- VSC

Melva Hobson

Residents - OSCAR

Corey James

Residential development - UDIA

Narelle McCarthy

Environment representative - SCEC

Kim Mc Cosker

Business representative - 4 Ingredients

Ken Mewburn

Marine conservation - TAPP

Anna Owen

Education representative

Beverly Powell

Health representative

Scott Robinson

Agribusiness representative - FAN

Colin Ross 

Jinibara representative

Will Shrapnel

Community Advisory Chair

Dr Silvia Tavares

University representative - UniSC

Brian Warner

Kabi Kabi representative

Ella Woodborne

Youth representative