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Chainsaw Hollows

Chainsaw hollows can be a remarkable solution for enhancing wildlife habitats when you have the right situation.

Article and Images by Community Conservation Officer, Sunshine Coast Council

In one of our local reserves that has limited habitat for wildlife. The dominant species are the Camphor Laurel and Chinese Elm. Instead of removing these trees, a brilliant idea was implemented to repurpose them. The trunks were transformed into habitat hollows for wildlife.

After talking to arborists and sharing ideas, we decided on the best way to help native wildlife. We created a hollow that can be used by many different species (except micro bats, which need a wood spade drill bit to make their homes.) Chainsaw hollows create habitat for wildlife like possums, gliders, and parrots. Nest boxes are known for creating hollows that assist wildlife, however chainsaw hollows can also enhance habitats in the right situations.

A chainsaw was utilised to cut out the front portion. This created a door to accommodate various sizes for different species. The trunk was then carefully hollowed out, and the door was reattached. A roof was added to prevent excessive water entering, and a dowel was attached to allow birds to land and hopefully make the nest box their home.