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Ecological restoration

Find out what ecological restoration is and how to implement it using the South East Queensland ecological restoration framework.

Ecological restoration

Ecological restoration is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed.

Restoration framework

The South East Queensland (SEQ) ecological restoration framework provides a best practice standard to ensure consistent ecological restoration delivery across South East Queensland.

The South East Queensland (SEQ) ecological restoration framework was proposed by environmental managers representing SEQ councils and the environmental managers technical reference group (EMTRG) in response to the region's high population growth and the diversity of stakeholders undertaking ecological restoration throughout the area.

In April 2011, the council of mayors (SEQ) endorsed the framework as a regional standard for undertaking restoration projects. Completed and released in mid 2012, this publication offers best practice management options to land managers undertaking ecological restoration in SEQ.

The framework is comprised of three key documents to guide the delivery of vegetation/ecological restoration work in the SEQ region.

Code of practice: a policy document providing a head of power for the subsequent guidelines and manual. The code of practice (PDF, 1.36MB) reflects the SEQ policy environments where it is to be housed.

Guideline: the guideline (PDF, 2.33MB) is a decision-making tool to guide users to the most appropriate course of action in their project. This document guides application of the policy and links to current best practice and examples demonstrated in the manual element.

Manual: a technical but easy-to-use guide to all aspects of ecological restoration. This document is reflective of current best practice, and provides the minimal acceptable solutions to ecological restoration:

This manual refers to some weed treatments that were associated with minor use permit PER9868 which expired in March 2014 and can no longer be used. All weed treatments should now be undertaken in compliance with current minor use permit PER11463 version 3.

Ecological restoration is just one way council and our community are working together to deliver a healthy environment and liveable Sunshine Coast. View the environment and liveability strategy to see what else we are doing.