Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Biodiversity report

Learn about our region's trees, plants, animals and habitats.

Biodiversity report

Council is committed to protecting our native plants and animals. We want to ensure our natural areas remain healthy, resilient and valued into the future. To do this we need to continue to build our knowledge and track our progress towards this goal. Our biodiversity reports assist us to do this. The first report was produced in 2016 and the second in 2020. These reports include detail on:

  • how much native vegetation covers our region and how well protected it is
  • what our different vegetation communities are
  • where our important habitat areas are
  • how many threatened plants and animals live in our region's habitat areas.

This provides us with a snapshot in time of our region's biodiversity. Any changes that have occurred over time can be tracked. Report findings also inform our biodiversity planning and conservation actions.

Highlights of the 2020 biodiversity report include:

  • our region supports a diverse range of vegetation communities
  • native vegetation covers over 55% of our region
  • almost half of the existing vegetation is protected.

Learn more by viewing the Sunshine Coast biodiversity report, or download a copy (PDF, 4976KB).

You can also view the previous reports, and supporting documents: