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Through our biosecurity planning process, we assessed all of the invasive plants known to occur in our region. This helped to identify the species that should be prioritised through our invasive plant management. A number of factors were considered such as:

  • the potential impacts of each species; and
  • its likelihood of further spread if left unmanaged
  • the management tools available.

By identifying priority species, we are able to focus control activities to maximise their effectiveness.

Further information (including images, descriptions and control methods) can be found by following the links to the Biosecurity Queensland website.

Ground covers, succulents and cacti

Ground covers, succulents and cacti

* Restricted under the Biosecurity Act 2014. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Restricted invasive plants fact sheet.

Pasture weeds

Pasture weeds

* Restricted under the Biosecurity Act 2014. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Restricted invasive plants fact sheet.



* Restricted under the Biosecurity Act 2014. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Restricted invasive plants fact sheet.


  • broad leaf pepper tree (Schinus terebinthifolius)*
  • camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora)*
  • Chinese celtis (Celtis sinensis)*
  • golden trumpet tree (Handroanthus chrysotrichus syn. Tabebuia chrysotricha)
  • honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos incl. cultivars and varieties) (Gleditsia triacanthos incl. cultivars and varieties)*
  • Mexican bean tree (Cecropia pachystachya, C. palmata and C. peltata)*
  • satinleaf (Chrysophyllum oliviforme)
  • tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima)

* Restricted under the Biosecurity Act 2014. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Restricted invasive plants fact sheet.


  • air potato (or bitter yam, wild yam) (Dioscorea bulbifera)
  • balloon vine (or heartseed vine) (Cardiospermum grandiflorum)*
  • blue morning glory (or blue dawn flower) (Ipomoea indica)
  • cat’s claw creeper (or funnel creeper, yellow trumpet vine) (Dolichandra unguis-cati)*
  • coastal morning glory (or Cairo morning glory, mile a minute vine) (Ipomoea cairica)
  • Dutchman's pipe (or calico flower) (Aristolochia spp. other than native species)*
  • fragrant thunbergia (or angel wings, sweet clockvine, white lady) (Thunbergia fragrans)
  • gidee-gidee (or bead vine, crab’s eye, jequirity, rosary pea) (Abrus precatorius)
  • glycine (perennial soybean, tropical legume) (Neonotonia wightii)
  • hiptage (Hiptage benghalensis)
  • kudzu (or Japanese arrowroot) (Pueraria montana var. lobata, syn. P. lobata, P. triloba other than in the Torres Strait Islands)*
  • madeira vine (or bridal wreath, heartleaf, lamb’s tail vine) (Anredera cordifolia)*
  • moth vine (or bladder flower, milk vine) (Araujia sericifera)
  • thunbergia (or Bengal, blue trumpet, sky vine) (Thunbergia grandiflora syn. T laurifolia)*

* Restricted under the Biosecurity Act 2014. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Restricted invasive plants fact sheet.

Water weeds

Water weeds

* Restricted under the Biosecurity Act 2014. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Restricted invasive plants fact sheet.

Related pages

Man holding invasive plant flower

Identify and report an invasive plant

Correctly identifying invasive plants is the first very important step in management. Find out ways to get help to identify plants.

Identify and report an invasive plant

Invasive plant control options

Council provides a range of services to the community to assist in managing invasive plants.

Invasive plant control options

Managing by plant type

Council provides a range of services to the community to assist in managing invasive plants.

Managing by plant type