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Emergency event economic recovery

Learn more about the economic recovery manual detailing the contingency plans for economic disaster recovery services for local businesses.

Sunshine Coast Council, in partnership with an independent disaster management consultancy firm, has developed an emergency event economic recovery manual (PDF, 8721KB) detailing the contingency plans for economic disaster recovery services for Sunshine Coast businesses. This document details both operational and functional strategies concerning economic recovery mechanisms in the event of a natural disaster.

The key elements of the economic recovery manual include:

  • building capacity within the Sunshine Coast business community to prepare for, respond to and recover from disaster impact
  • early activation of recovery frameworks when disasters strike
  • engagement with the business community and economic sectors to assess recovery needs and to inform the development of recovery strategies and plans
  • coordinated and ongoing collaborative planning with the business/economic sectors impacted
  • implementation, monitoring and adjustment of recovery plans and actions.

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Economic recovery after a disaster affecting the Sunshine Coast will be managed and coordinated by the local economic recovery sub-committee (LERS). This committee is responsible to the Sunshine Coast recovery group and the local disaster management group for economic recovery outcomes. While led by council's Economic Development branch, the LERS is a business community-focused committee, which benefits from the inclusion of business community representatives.

The economic recovery manual has been developed to complement the Sunshine Coast disaster recovery plan and provides additional detail on the processes and considerations for economic recovery of the Sunshine Coast after a disaster event as required under section 57 of the Disaster Management Act 2003. The manual conforms to the Queensland recovery guidelines and addresses matters stated in the relief and recovery component of the Queensland disaster management standard. Local procedures outline specific actions to be taken in emergencies. These will assist areas prepare for and respond to an order to evacuate.

More information

Helpful information in being prepared for and informed during a disaster event can be found on council's Disaster Hub.

To find out more connect with Economic Development via