Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Business continuity

Construction projects may impact local business and residents. Plan and prepare in advance.

Business continuity

Upgrades to infrastructure, improvements to existing community facilities, streetscape and place making projects are some of the positive initiatives that Sunshine Coast Council is delivering to help create a healthy, smart and creative region.

We understand construction projects may impact local business and residents, so we have prepared a guide as one of the tools to help you plan and prepare in advance of construction beginning in your area.

While construction projects can be frustrating, it’s important to remember the positive impact these projects will have in your area in the years to come.

The business continuity guide will help your business:

  • understand how council plans for projects
  • get Involved early
  • plan and prepare before construction
  • adapt during construction
  • understand how to capitalize post construction.

As a business owner, you’re always planning and improving your business. When you’re informed ahead of time, project construction is something you can prepare for.

To help you manage during the construction process use the business continuity checklist in the business continuity guide (PDF, 1705KB). This is a guide to doing business during construction and road upgrades.

For updates and queries on council upgrades in your area, email