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How to reduce your heating bills

From energy upgrade loans to a pair of curtains, find out how to reduce your energy bills


How you can reduce your bills in five easy steps

Every degree counts 

  • resist the urge to turn up the dial, the ideal setting for your heating thermostat is between 18 and 20 degrees and every degree increases your use by up to 10%. 
  • get cosy - close internal doors so you're only heating the room you are using. 

  • while you're snuggled up, why not create a draught excluder from things you have laying around. You can use anything from mismatched socks to old pool noodles. Fancy or frugal, there are hundreds of instructables on Pinterest and Youtube. We're loving this one make from mismatched socks! (warning, you may go down a Pinterest rabbit hole!!!)
mismatched sock snake from Pinterest

mismatched sock snake from Pinterest

How does your heating bill stack up? 

Need to finance an upgrade?

Australian households can now access discounted green finance for energy upgrades through the Australian Government's $1 billion Household Energy Upgrades Fund.

The Fund targets existing homes, many of which were not subject to modern energy efficiency building standards at the time they were built. It will help homeowners unlock a range of upgrades to help reduce their energy consumption and make their home more comfortable and healthier to live in.