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Transport community reference group

The transport community group helps council achieve its vision to reduce car travel, reliance on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions. Nominations now open.

Council’s vision to be Australia’s most sustainable region, healthy, smart and creative, relies on efficient travel using extensive, integrated transport networks.


Council's transport vision is "in 2041, the Sunshine Coast community is connected by a smart, integrated, safe and efficient transport system. This transport system is embraced by the community, enhances the quality of life, contributes to the economic viability and adds to the sustainability of the region".

To help achieve this vision, and to reduce car travel, reliance on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions, the transport community reference group provides input and community feedback on all aspects of achieving a sustainable, integrated transport system for the region.

The group feedback will help council adopt policies and a strategic direction on integrated transport systems for the region that reflect the views and needs of the community.


The group will play a key role in discussions which will help guide the implementation and delivery of council's integrated transport strategy.

Other roles include:

  • creating a partnership between community and council representatives to obtain a balanced view with input from a wide cross-section of stakeholders
  • discussing transport initiatives to benefit the travelling community in the short and longer term
  • enabling council advocacy efforts to reflect community views
  • raising awareness of the range of transport related strategies and projects and ensure they reflect community needs
  • representatives to advocate for sustainable transport in the community either individually or through their organisation.


The transport community reference group meets quarterly, and includes representatives from community organisations, industry and government agencies.


The group first met early in 2009 and includes representatives from across the community, industry and council.

More information

For more information, please contact council's coordinator transport strategy and policy, via council's customer service centre.

Related pages and links

Transport agencies

Transport providers

Transport community group nomination form

Submit your nomination for consideration.