Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Erosion and sediment control

Find out how to minimise soil and sediment runoff. Make your site right.

During rainfall, large amounts of sediment are washed into local waterways. Much of this sediment comes from the exposed soil of cleared land.

How to get your site right

Waterways pollution from your development or construction site is preventable.

It can be prevented by good planning and using the appropriate erosion and sediment controls. Having the right control measures in place is vital. It can also save money and reduce environmental impact.

It is your responsibility to stop sediment and waste from moving off your site.

Waste from construction sites can impact both our waterways and our wildlife. Over a truckload of soil can wash into our waterways for every house under construction. Is your site right?

It's the law

Keeping sediment and litter from our waterways is the right thing to do. It is also required by law. It is an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 to unlawfully deposit soil or other contaminants in waters, a roadside gutter or stormwater drain.

It is also an offence to carry out earthwork that exposes the earth in a way where soil could reasonably expected to wash or otherwise move into waters, a roadside gutter or stormwater drainage, without taking all reasonable and practical measures available.

Under our compliance and enforcement policy, council officers will employ a range of tools to keep our waterways healthy. This may include issuing a statutory notice requiring you to take action, fine or prosecution through courts.

Fines range from $2,322 to $11,610 (2023).

Erosion and Sediment Control for Building Sites

Regional Erosion and Sediment, Education and Trial (RESET) site

Council's Environment Levy has supported the construction of the RESET site, a purpose-built erosion and sediment control (ESC) facility designed to assist the construction, development, agricultural and environment industries in improving ESC management, practice and understanding.

The site demonstrates and supports:

  • current ESC practices, products and techniques;
  • how products work under rainfall pressures on various soil types; and
  • research and innovation by trialing new methods to minimise erosion, manage drainage and capture sediment.

The RESET site supports council's commitment to develop a comprehensive urban and regional erosion and sediment control program, through the Environment and Liveability Strategy, and the Corporate Plan objective to maintain 'A Healthy Environment'.

For group booking information, resources and future partnerships, contact us at:

Report pollution

Reports about significant pollution incidents can be made to Queensland Government 24/7 pollution hotline on 1300 130 372.

Contact council's development services to report sediment or litter entering a roadside gutter, stormwater system or waterway.

Stormwater Australia 2023 Awards for Excellence

WINNER - Excellence in policy and education
Sunshine Coast Council Construction Management and Waterway Protection Taskforce

Stormwater Queensland 2022 Awards for Excellence

WINNER - Excellence in policy and education
Sunshine Coast Council Construction Management and Waterway Protection Taskforce

2023 LGMA QLD Excellence Awards  Community Shaping award nominee

2022 International Erosion Control Association (IECA) Australasia Environmental Excellence awards

FINALIST - Excellence for Innovation and/or Education to the erosion and sediment control industry
Regional Erosion & Sediment, Education & Trial (RESET) site
