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Our biosecurity plan, protecting against invasive species

Learn about council’s biosecurity plan to protect our region’s social, economic and environmental values.

The Sunshine Coast is recognised for its rich biodiversity comprising a diverse range of plants and animals. These are supported by our natural areas across a range of habitats including aquatic, bushland and coastal areas.

Healthy ecosystems not only support environmental diversity but sustain our production areas and support our quality of life.

Invasive plants and animals are recognised as a significant threat to our natural environment, agricultural areas and communities including human health and well-being.

Managing invasive species is a priority for council and is identified as a transformational action in our Environment and Liveability Strategy 2017. Having a biosecurity plan for our local government area is also a requirement of the Biosecurity Act 2014.

The Sunshine Coast Local Government Area Biosecurity Plan 2017 provides a framework for the management of priority invasive plants and animals in our local government area.

The Plan was developed in collaboration with various sectors. This included traditional owners, non-for profit community groups, various government organisations and industry representatives involved in invasive species management.

The Plan sets out a coordinated and co-operative approach to bring everyone together to effectively and efficiently manage invasive animals and plants to minimise their impacts on our region.

Council conducts biosecurity programs in accordance with the Biosecurity Act 2014 and our biosecurity plan.

The Act allows council officers to enter properties throughout the Sunshine Coast region to identify and respond to biosecurity risks relating to invasive plants and animals. If a person has failed to carry out their general biosecurity obligation (GBO) a biosecurity order may be issued directing a person to control prohibited or restricted invasive plants or animals.

Our biosecurity programs

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