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Wildlife at the Maroochy wetlands sanctuary

The Maroochy wetlands sanctuary is a 102 ha reserve, that sits alongside of the Maroochy River in Bli Bli.

Wildlife at the Maroochy wetlands sanctuary

Article by Leah Tearle, environmental visitor centre technical officer

The Maroochy wetlands sanctuary is a 102 ha reserve, that sits alongside of the Maroochy River in Bli Bli.

This reserve is home to 320 different flora species and over 200 species of birds. Crabs, butterflies, reptiles, fish and other wildlife species also inhabit this area. This conservation area is home to one of Australia’s rarest rodent, the water mouse (Xeromys myoides).

The Maroochy wetlands sanctuary is managed in a partnership between Sunshine Coast Council, Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary Support Group Inc. and Education Queensland.

Volunteers play an important role in managing the sanctuary. They take part in activities such as supporting visitor services, guided walks and monitoring and surveys.

For almost 4 years George, a sanctuary volunteer, has been weekly monitoring the fauna that use the reserve. George uses fauna cameras, also known as camera traps, for this monitoring.

We appreciate the huge efforts George takes in locating and servicing the cameras and reviewing all the photos. At times this requires him to wade in gum boots through the mangroves and battling the mozzies.

Visit our website to find out more or to become member of the Maroochy wetlands sanctuary support group.

Or, if you would like to become a volunteer visit our website.