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QLD Government amended the mandatory plumbing and drainage Form 9 – Registration and report on inspection and testing of backflow prevention devices, registered air gaps and registered break tank on 15 May 2024. Both the old and new form 9 are acceptable during a transition period, between now and 30 August 2024. From 31 August 2024 , Council will only accept the amended form 9. We encourage you to use the amended form 9, available on Business QLD website: https://www.business.qld.gov.au/industries/building-property-development/building-construction/plumbing-drainage/forms-templates

Backflow is the flow of water from a property back into the drinking water supply.

Council is committed to ensuring that our drinking water supply remains safe for everyone. A robust and effective backflow prevention system in place can help ensure water is safe to drink.

Introduction to backflow prevention

View the full transcript.

Contaminated water incidents can be serious. A backflow prevention device stops unwanted water flow entering our drinking water supply. This protects us from drinking or using contaminated water.

Failure to maintain your devices may result in compliance enforcement action.

There may be any number of contamination sources within a property. Backflow prevention provides a barrier, keeping contaminated water separate from the drinking water supply.

Sources of contamination can include:

  • irrigation systems
  • swimming pools
  • vehicle maintenance pits
  • ornamental ponds
  • air conditioning towers
  • vehicle/bin washing bays
  • chemical injection areas
  • fire hose reels (FHR)
  • commercial and manufacturing processes.

For more information refer to our backflow prevention devices fact sheet.

Report an issue with a backflow prevention device.

Information for property owners

Information for property owners

If your property has a backflow prevention, it is important to know your role.

You help protect the drinking water supply by ensuring all devices are adequately maintained. Failure to fulfil your responsibilities may result in compliance enforcement action.

Property owner's responsibilities

The owner of a testable backflow prevention device must:

  • have all devices installed by a licensed plumber
  • register the device with council by providing a copy of the initial test report
  • have it inspected or tested by an endorsed licensed plumber yearly
  • ensure that there is adequate access to devices for testing and maintenance.

Types of testable devices include:

  • reduced pressure zone
  • double check, and
  • some single check valves.

Non-testable devices; including dual check valves, do not need to be registered or tested annually.

Backflow prevention device register and annual fee

Section 101 of the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019 requires council must:

  • maintain a program for the registration, maintenance and testing of all backflow prevention devices
  • keep a register of these devices.

The annual fee included in the property's rates notice is to cover the costs to maintain the register.

Current fees are available in the register of fees and charges.

Removing a device

Removing a device

If your plumbing changes, you may no longer need a backflow prevention device. A licensed plumber can assess if your backflow prevention device is still required.

If the licensed plumber confirms there is no longer a risk to the drinking water supply, the licensed plumber can remove the device. The licensed plumber must lodge a Form 9 with council and a Form 4 with the Queensland Building and Construction Commission. Council requests the licensed plumber included a copy of the Form 4 with the Form 9 for our records.

Once council receives the Form 9 advising the backflow prevention device is removed, we will audit the location to confirm the water supply is safe. Council will then update our register and you will no longer be charged the annual fee.

You can locate a licensed plumber in the yellow pages under "plumbers". Ensure the plumber is legally qualified to work with backflow prevention devices.

Further information can be found in our backflow prevention guidelines.

Information for designers and endorsed plumbers

Information for designers and endorsed plumbers

Below are a series of videos for designers and endorsed plumbers to assist with backflow prevention devices. For more information, refer to:

Contact council's development services for further advice.

Forms for endorsed plumbers

Forms for endorsed plumbers

Lodge with council:

Please find a SAMPLE Form 9 for you to use as a guide.
Sample answers have been completed in red, with additional information in blue boxes.

Lodge with the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC):

Related information:

Submitting a test report

Submitting a test report

Test reports provide important information on the performance of your backflow devices. They also report on maintenance requirements to ensure your devices are working property. In turn, this protects us from drinking or using contaminated water.

Council offers several ways to submit your service report:

  • integrating your business system with council's eServices system
  • online through MyCouncil (you need to register). Note: initial test reports cannot be submitted online
  • by email or post
  • in person at City Hall, 54 First Ave Maroochydore.

Backflow eServices

Backflow eServices enables you to directly integrate with council's register. This means we can receive and review your test reports instantaneously.

More information

Backflow prevention at Sunshine Coast University hospital

View the full transcript.

Related pages



Use council's plumbing eServices system for submitting routine inspection reports for on-site sewerage facilities and backflow prevention devices.


Plumbing resources

Use this directory to find fact sheets, forms, technical guides and other resources for plumbing.

Plumbing resources