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6th annual Australasian bat night June 2020

Held annually, Australasian bat night celebrates our local flying foxes.

Often misunderstood these amazing animals are vital to our environment and survival of many plants and animals in it.

This year the event was held online on the 3 June 2020 with a great line up of expert presentations. If you missed the event we have compiled all the presentations here.

Welcome to bat night

Here is a big welcome from Frankie the flying fox and Tyron, one of council's conservation officers who is the go to for flying fox management across the region.

Welcome to Country and cultural connections

Uncle Noel, Jinibara Traditional Owner, with a Welcome to Country and cultural connections to bats.

Why are bats important?

Clancy Hall, wildlife biologist explained why they are so important to the ecosystem.

Day in the life of bat carer Jeannie

Ever wondered how a baby flying-fox drinks milk? Jeannie from Bat Rescue Inc shows you what it takes to rear a flying-fox pup.

Forest Pollinators and Seed Dispersers

Presentation by Martin Fingland of Geckoes Wildlife.

Day in the life of bat carer Terrie

While flying-foxes are busy saving our forest with their pollination, who is saving them when they get injured? Walk in the shoes of Bat Rescue Inc rescuer and carer, Terrie.

Thank you to the great Bat Night supporters and presenters:

  • Geckoes Wildlife
  • Bat Rescue Inc.
  • Earth Base Productions
  • Hollow Log Homes
  • Brush Turkey Enterprises
  • Uncle Noel Blair - Jinibara
  • Jason Murphy - Jinibara
  • Terrie Ridgway
  • Jeannie Campbell
  • Clancy Hall
  • Angel Goulter Randall
  • Rose Barrowcliffe
  • Travis Earsman