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Personalised case management

Personalised Case Management supports complex or major developments and projects through the application process.

Personalised Case Management supports complex or major developments and projects through the application process. During the pre-application and application stages, applicants will work together with a dedicated Council project team.

How to book

You can request Personalised Case Management by emailing us the meeting request form.
Email to:

This service is a series of meetings between Council and your project team to work together during the pre-application and application stages. These meetings will identify and resolve any significant assessment matters associated with the proposed development.

Council and your project team will agree on the meeting schedule together.

Personalised Case Management does not include case management of multiple separate developments by one customer/consultancy.


Personalised case management refers to one property or development plan area.

This service:

  • is available online or in-person. 
  • may include pre-assessment of technical reports.
  • may include the involvement of several specialists, subject to availability.
  • includes meeting notes provided within ten business days of each meeting.

On-site meetings incur additional cost.


Personalised Case Management does not include case management of multiple separate developments by one customer/consultancy.

Advice provided by Council will only address the applicable performance outcome/s raised. It will not confirm Council's acceptance of the development outcome in the meeting or via the notes provided.

Any advice provided does not constitute approval.

What we need from you:

You must provide the property address.

You must provide concept plans. For pre-assessment, please provide all technical reports.

At least ten business days prior to the preliminary meeting, you must identify:

  • specific questions,
  • discussion points and
  • specific performance outcomes you seek feedback on.

Council may refer you to a different level of service upon review of the materials lodged at the time of the request.