Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Sunshine Coast mapping - MyMaps

Council's MyMaps website provides quick and easy access to the region's digital geographic data in the form of maps and associated information.

Sunshine Coast MyMaps provides easy access to local maps. You can build your own map of your property or look up community services in your area. The easy to use mapping tool has street or aerial base maps that can have layers added to view relevant data you choose.

For help with the mapping service, browse the MyMaps user guide (PDF, 3.91MB). If you wish to access Rest services (web service data downloads) follow the procedure (PDF, 649KB). For further information email the MyMaps team.

Information for residents

You can look up your property information with the latest aerial imagery. See local facilities and services in your town:

Regional information

For region wide maps to show existing infrastructure, facilities, tourist information and council services:

Note: to view specific yearly captures you will need to click on the layers tab/button to toggle between.

Business information

Specific maps outlining current projects and contracts on the Sunshine Coast:

Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020)

Australia is moving in a north-east direction at about 7cm per year. To make sure that map coordinates reflect the correct location relative to GPS devices, it is necessary to periodically update the coordinate systems that are used. Since the last datum was implemented (GDA94), Australia has moved about 1.8m. Changing our datum to GDA2020 will reduce location errors and improve the accuracy of features located on maps. For more information on GDA2020 see the fact sheets provided by the ANZLIC committee on surveying and mapping.

In order to comply with the Qld Government Natural Resources and Other Legislation (GDA2020) Amendment Act 2020, Sunshine Coast Council has now adopted GDA2020. Spatial data supplied to, and provided by, council will now use this datum. If you supply as constructed information to council, please see the as constructed data standards and guidelines page for more details.