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Make a submission or comment on an application

Everything you need to know about making a submission on development applications.

A submission or comment is a written statement about a proposal in a development application.

There are two different types of development applications.

code assessable application does not need public notification. You may submit comments on an application at any time. No appeal rights apply and you will not receive a copy of the decision notice.

An impact assessable application has an advertised public notification period. This is when you can make a formal submission. Submissions received during the notification period will receive an acknowledgement letter. If you make a properly made submission, you are able to appeal the council's decision on the application.

Before you make a submission or a comment

To make a submission or a comment you need:

View applications currently on public notification

Click the ‘Details’ button on the application to find out more.

Make a formal submission during public notification period

An impact assessable application has an advertised public notification period. This is when you can make a formal submission.

Submissions received during the notification period will receive an acknowledgement letter. If you make a ‘properly made’ submission, you are able to appeal the council's decision on the application.

Make a comment on any application

code assessable application does not need public notification. You may submit comment on an application at any time. No appeal rights apply and you will not receive a copy of the decision notice.

Lodging an appeal to a council decision

Anyone who makes a 'properly made' submission on an impact assessment application can appeal against council's decision on the development application.

Council will write to submitters to let you know when the appeal period begins and ends. The submitter can only lodge an appeal within the submitter appeal period.

To lodge an appeal, a notice of appeal form must be completed and lodged with the accompanying fee to the Planning and Environment Court.