Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Maroochydore beach works - Surf Life Saving Championships

In the lead-up to the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships, ‘The Aussies’ (13-21 April 2024), council will undertake a range of works to prepare the beach for the event and ensure there is enough sand in the right places for the athletes.

The following works are required:

  • additional temporary vehicle access will be created through the dune at Maroochydore Beach along Alexandra Parade, located in the same area used during the 2016 and 2021 event
  • a 30-metre-wide sprint track from Mooloolaba Surf Life Saving tower to Loo With a View
    Note: due to big waves and high tides over the last few weeks, sand will need to be moved from another section of Mooloolaba Beach. Beach access 177, 178, 179, 180 and 182 will be closed 25-28 March
  • minor sand profiling for the scaffolding at Maroochydore Beach.

All works will take place during the event set-up period running from 19 March-12 April 2024.Tidal influences and potential storm events must be taken into consideration.

These works will be completed as per state regulations and a notification has been provided to relevant State Government agencies including the Department of Environment and Science (DES). There are no turtle nests in any of these locations.

Beach access during event

Our beaches will remain open for you to enjoy. The competition areas on the beaches will guide the size and location of the patrolled areas. Public swimming areas will be maintained, subject to surf conditions. Additional patrol areas will be set-up as required. Swimmers must refer to signage in place and always swim between the flags. Patrolled beaches and the patrolled hours will be added to the Surf Life Saving Australia website closer to the event.

Event set-up will take place in Pierce Park, Maroochydore, Alexandra Headland Beach Park and Buhk Park, Alexandra Headland. These areas will be heavily utilised throughout the event, however, the coastal path, playgrounds, the Alexandra Headland Skate Park and amenities will remain open throughout the event. It should be noted that where the coastal path is impacted, alternative pedestrian access will be provided.

There are only 2 beach access points that will be closed to the public during the event. At Maroochydore Beach access BA 141 & BA142 will be impacted. The beach itself will remain accessible throughout the entire event via BA143.

Temporary access

A temporary access ramp will be created on Maroochydore Beach, opposite Katoa Street, Alexandra Headland. It will be used to safely tow boats and jet-skis off the beach during the event.

The access will be made of rubber track mat with a layer of sand on top. Works will involve profiling a small section of dune, removing the vegetation and placing down a rubber track mat. This section of dune was previously disturbed for the same reason in 2016 and 2021.

The safety of all beach and access path users, competitors and spectators is top priority. The access allows for a one-way traffic path coming in from the side street accessing Alex Surf Club. It also means other important amenities can be positioned in the optimal location, most notably first aid and safety.

All necessary safety protocols and environmental permits will be in place for the works and the rectification of the temporary access.

Mooloolaba Beach sprint track

Big waves and high tides from last week have eroded Mooloolaba Beach. While the sand will return naturally over time, council is planning to undertake works to restore the beach profile in preparation for the Australian Surf Lifesaving Event 13-21 April.

‘The Aussies’ require a sprint track in front of the Mooloolaba Surf Lifesaving Club. To do this, council will move sand from another section of Mooloolaba Beach by carefully scraping the sand from below the high tide mark with an excavator and moving it with trucks along the beach to the sprint track location. All works are completed under existing environmental permits and all care will be taken to ensure natural beach profiles are maintained.

25–28 March

  • Beach temporarily closed: For the safety of all beach users, the beach between the BBQ area to the east of the Mooloolaba Caravan Park will be closed while the work takes place (refer to map below). Beach accesses 177, 178, 179, 180 and 182 will be closed, this is to keep our community safe while trucks travel along the beach to deliver sand to the spring track location. 
  • Work hours will be approximately 7am - 4pm.
  • Machinery, such as trucks, posi traks and excavators, will be on site, with mobilisation and demobilising of the machinery to occur at the end of Parkyn Parade.

4-5 April

  • Set-up begins at the sprint track: a posi trak with a GPS level bucket will work to ensure the site is dead level and has the same consistency of sand.

Community updates

The community will be informed of the preparations via an extensive letterbox drop, media briefings, signage and emails.

Information will be kept up-to-date on the Surf Life Saving (SLS) website.