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Disclosure log – released information

View a list of Right to Information applications in council's disclosure log.

Council maintains a disclosure log as part of its commitment to being open and transparent.

Council’s disclosure log provides documents that were released in response to certain formal applications for access to documents. Documents can be downloaded directly from the page by accessing council's disclosure log.

New documents are added to the log after they are released to the applicant that requested them in a formal right to information application. However, council does not add documents to the disclosure log for all applications. Documents will not be added to the log if they contain the applicant’s personal information or meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • if the publication is prevented by law
  • it may be defamatory
  • publication would unreasonably invade an individual's privacy or cause substantial harm to an entity
  • if it is of a confidential nature communicated in confidence or protected from disclosure under a contract; or would allow such information to be ascertained
  • there would be limited or no value in publishing the information, especially if it lacks significance or demand, for example if it is about a discrete area of a footpath or a particular residential property
  • the information or significant parts of it have already been published elsewhere
  • another clear reason at council's discretion.

The current ministerial guidelines state that "departments and Ministers are not expected to publish blank pages on disclosure logs". Nevertheless, some items included in council's disclosure log may include blank pages, as these provide a placeholder for page numbering, plus they indicate the existence and extent of documents to which access was refused.

More information

If you have any difficulty accessing documents in the log, or for more information, please contact council's Right to Information team: