Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Notice of injury, loss or damage

Claims for damages against council.

From time to time you may suffer loss or damage to either yourself or your property. If you consider your loss or damage to be from council’s wrongdoing, there are two available options:

Claiming through your insurance

You may prefer to use your own insurance to lodge a claim relating to property damage or a motor vehicle.

Your insurer may contact council directly to seek compensation where they consider council to be liable. Please note that you may be responsible to pay the excess fee to your insurer. You should discuss this directly with your insurer prior to lodging a claim with council.

Claiming through council's insurance

If you are seeking compensation directly from council for injury, loss or damage arising from an incident, you should complete a claim form.

Before you fill out the claim form, please read the accompanying notice to claimants information which will provide you with an understanding of claims for compensation against council. You will need to supply supporting evidence as required. Failure to provide this information may cause a delay in considering your claim.

Once council receives your completed claim form with the requested information, we will carry out a review of the matter and contact you with council’s response.