Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Induction for contractors and volunteers

Council's corporate inductions for contractors and volunteers is administered via the Altora Induction Program.

Council's online safety induction for contractors and volunteers is administrated via the Altora Induction Program. Prior to performing the induction, you are required to register with Altora.

Council’s administrators in the Altora system are responsible for ensuring that volunteers have completed their induction prior to starting work on site.

User agreement

Step 6 of the induction process requires inductees to read the User Agreement and Terms of Using the Induction. The User Agreement includes Council Privacy Policy and Axion’s Privacy Policy.

Completion certificate

Once you have completed the online safety induction, you will have the option to print out a copy of your Statement of Completion Certificate. However, council maintains an online register that confirms the time and date that you completed the induction so it is not necessary to print out this the certificate.