Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Portfolio system

There are six portfolios. They reflect areas of strategic importance to council and the people of the Sunshine Coast.

At its Ordinary Meeting on 30 May 2024, council endorsed the 2024-2028 Councillor Portfolios.

The Portfolio system provides Councillors with an opportunity to develop a heightened level of knowledge, leadership and representation across the region in a specified area of responsibility.

This new Councillor Portfolio System has a strong alignment with the Strategic priorities of council as outlined in the Corporate Plan and the organisation’s core responsibilities.

In addition to their responsibilities under the Local Government Act 2009, portfolio Councillors:

  • keep abreast of council proposals, issues and activities which are relevant to their portfolio
  • act as the official council spokesperson or representative on portfolio relevant matters
  • provide input and advice to council officers on portfolio relevant matters

There are six portfolios. They reflect areas of strategic importance to council and the people of the Sunshine Coast.